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Experience a surge in sales through bulk email marketing

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Experience a surge in sales through bulk email marketing

Ready to Increase Sales?

Get In Front of 1 Million Prospects Daily!

Experience a surge in sales through bulk email marketing

Increase leads and sales - within days!

Are you looking to expand your business reach and engage with a vast audience of potential customers? Look no further! I'm excited to introduce you to the unparalleled benefits of bulk email marketing, paired with our extensive database of 28 million USA businesses and 108 million USA consumers.

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Why choose us?

Unparalleled Coverage

With 28 million USA businesses and 108 million USA consumers, ensuring you reach a vast and diverse audience.

Advanced Segmentation

Allows you to personalize your campaigns and maximize engagement with targeted messaging.

Commitment to Compliance

Your campaigns will adhere to all relevant regulations, safeguarding your reputation and ensuring deliverability.

Experience a surge in sales through bulk email marketing

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Need Assistance? Obtain a Free Consultation for Resolving Issues Related to Business Services

Free Business Services Assistance

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What particular business service issue or requirement do you currently have?

  • Credit Card Merchant Services
  • Customer Financing Solutions
  • Business Loan Fundings
  • Miscellaneous (Etc..)
Perhaps you're a startup seeking payment services? Are you facing current challenges with business funding? Maybe you're grappling with high credit card processing fees? Or, are you encountering issues with a malfunctioning credit card machine or persistent glitches in your POS system?

Share with us your business services issue or need that requires attention immediately. Allow us to address all your B2B service issues promptly and at absolutely no cost to you! Visit our website.

We're the pros, and have 32 years' experience in B2B services, consulting over 26,000 merchants. Representing the #3 ranked fastest growing business service provider by Fortune 5000. With 300+ Employees to help you.

Our goal is to assist you in running your business smoothly and efficiently, free from any downtime caused by funding issues or technical problems.

Click on this link, respond to this email, or give us a call right away to inform us of how we can consult you in resolving your business services issues or requirements, completely free of charge.

Best Regards,

Danny A. Lyons
AmeriFund Capital, LLC.
10300 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 13-127
Las Vegas, NV 89135
+1 (888) 249-0605 x701

https://calendly.com/danlyons/15min - If you'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss your business service issues or requirements, please click on the link provided.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT. This e-mail message & its attachments are covered by Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521 & is intended only for use of person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, you are prohibited from disseminating or otherwise using this information under law. Receipt of these documents is acknowledgement and acceptance that this is privileged, proprietary and confidential and will not be forwarded to any party(s) without prior written consent from the sender. Any review, dissemination, copying, or other use of this e-mail by persons other than the addressee is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any and all computers.

Need Assistance? Obtain a Free Consultation for Resolving Issues Related to Business Services

Free Business Services Assistance

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What particular business service issue or requirement do you currently have?

  • Credit Card Merchant Services
  • Customer Financing Solutions
  • Business Loan Fundings
  • Miscellaneous (Etc..)
Perhaps you're a startup seeking payment services? Are you facing current challenges with business funding? Maybe you're grappling with high credit card processing fees? Or, are you encountering issues with a malfunctioning credit card machine or persistent glitches in your POS system?

Share with us your business services issue or need that requires attention immediately. Allow us to address all your B2B service issues promptly and at absolutely no cost to you! Visit our website.

We're the pros, and have 32 years' experience in B2B services, consulting over 26,000 merchants. Representing the #3 ranked fastest growing business service provider by Fortune 5000. With 300+ Employees to help you.

Our goal is to assist you in running your business smoothly and efficiently, free from any downtime caused by funding issues or technical problems.

Click on this link, respond to this email, or give us a call right away to inform us of how we can consult you in resolving your business services issues or requirements, completely free of charge.

Best Regards,

Danny A. Lyons
AmeriFund Capital, LLC.
10300 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 13-127
Las Vegas, NV 89135
+1 (888) 249-0605 x701

https://calendly.com/danlyons/15min - If you'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss your business service issues or requirements, please click on the link provided.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT. This e-mail message & its attachments are covered by Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521 & is intended only for use of person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, you are prohibited from disseminating or otherwise using this information under law. Receipt of these documents is acknowledgement and acceptance that this is privileged, proprietary and confidential and will not be forwarded to any party(s) without prior written consent from the sender. Any review, dissemination, copying, or other use of this e-mail by persons other than the addressee is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any and all computers.